Brief history
Romanian Academy Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence “Mihai Drăgănescu” (ICIA) was set up in 1994 as a centre of competence and active dissemination of knowledge in the domain of Artificial Intelligence. ICIA has a core of permanent research positions and …...Read more>
Romanian Academy
The Romanian Academy was founded on 1/13 April 1866 under the name of the Romanian Literary Society. Thus was achieved one of the main projects in the program of modernization adopted after the...Read more>
Anunț Caiet de sarcini...Read more>(RO) ANUNT PUBLICITATE ACHIZITIE SERVICII SSM si PSI 2025
Anunț Caiet de sarcini...Read more>Scientific partnership agreement
The “Mihai Drăgănescu” Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ICIA) signed, on December 11, 2024, a scientific partnership agreement with Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Co., Ltd. The document was signed, on behalf of ICIA, by Prof. Paul-Andrei Păun, as director, …...Read more>(RO) Anunt concurs de ocupare a unui post de Asistent în activitatea de cercetare știinţifică (ACS), normă întreagă, durată nedeterminată
– Anunț format pdf – adresă Academia Română...Read more>
Dan Tufiș. Romanian Language Technology – a view from an academic perspective. In INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF COMPUTERS COMMUNICATIONS & CONTROL. vol. 17, no. 1, 2022
Păiș, Vasile and Mitrofan, Maria and Gasan, Carol Luca and Ianov, Alexandru and Ghiță, Corvin and Coneschi, Vlad Silviu and Onuț, Andrei. Romanian Named Entity Recognition in the Legal domain (LegalNERo). Zenodo, may 2021
Tufiș Dan, Păiș Vasile, Barbu Mititelu Verginica, Ion, Radu, Irimia Elena, Avram, Andrei and Curea, Eric. MARCELL – A project to remember: hard work of a friendly consortium under wise coordination. 2021
Scientific partnership agreement
The “Mihai Drăgănescu” Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence (ICIA) signed, on December 11, 2024, a scientific partnership agreement with Shanghai Artificial Intelligence Research Institute Co., Ltd. The document was signed, on behalf of ICIA, by Prof. Paul-Andrei Păun, as...Read more>Events
The visit of the delegation of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China to ICIA
ICIA received, on November 13, 2024, at its headquarters, the visit of the delegation of the Embassy of the People’s Republic of China, consisting of Prof. Chengqing Zong, Dr. GAI Hongbo, Counselor for Science and Technology, and Mr. MA Yunfei, …...Read more>