On June 10th and 11th, 2016, the International Conference on Interdisciplinary Studies (ICIS) will take place at the Ovidius University from Constanța. Acad. Dan Tufiș will present a plenary talk on ”CoRoLa – A Large Priority Project of the Romanian Academy on Romanian Language”.
http://www.sorging.ro/ro/articole/prezent-ri-in-plen During May 22-28 2016, the 10th edition of the Conference on ”Language Resources and Evaluation” (LREC) was organized in Portorož, Slovenia, under the Honorary Patronage of His Excellency Mr. Borut Pahor, President of the Republic of Slovenia (http://lrec2016.lrec-conf.org/en/about/). The Conference was attended by more than 1300 researchers from all-over the world. The recent researches at ICIA were presented in two papers:
1. Dan Tufiș, Verginica Barbu Mititelu, Elena Irimia, Tiberiu Boroș, Ștefan Dumitrescu – The IPR-cleared Corpus of Contemporary Written and Spoken Romanian Language (Main conference)
2. Ruxandra Cosma, Dan Cristea, Marc Kupietz, Dan Tufiș, Andreas Witt – DRuKoLA – Towards Contrastive German-Romanian Research based on Comparable Corpora (the LREC 2016 associated workshop Challenges in the Management of Large Corpora CMLC-4)
On May 27th was on the Conference premises a meeting of the Board members of the ELRC initiative of EC on Machine Translation, where the future actions of the program were outlined. Acad. Dan Tufiș attended the meeting as the Romanian representative in ELRC Board.